Abstract Topics

Abstract Topics

25th WPA Congress Abstract Topics

1. Addictions to psychotropic substances

  • Cannabis use: consequences of mental health and assessment of cannabis use
  • Treatment of people with dual diagnosis
  • Alcohol, cannabis and tobacco: current trends, impact and public health responses

2. Addictions, gambling and internet abuse
4. Adversity and psychiatry (Violence & mental health; Poverty & mental health; Mental health of refugees and displaced persons)
5. Anxiety disorders
6. Art and psychiatry
7. Autism spectrum disorders
8. Bipolar disorders

  • Bipolar disorders: the state of the art in treatment

9. Child and adolescent psychiatry (including infant psychiatry)
10. Classification, diagnostic assessment and nomenclature
11. Clinical practice in psychiatry

  • Identity and health of psychiatrists
  • Towards the future of diagnostics in clinical practice
  • Multiomics of psychiatric disorder: will more biological information help understand mental illness?
  • Precision psychiatry: How it works
  • Community mental health services worldwide: the state of the art

12. Comorbidity of mental and somatic disorders
13. Consultation liaison psychiatry
14. COVID-19
15. Dementia

  • Examples of dementia care on different continents

16. Developmental psychopathology
17. Digital psychiatry

  • Digital modes of psychiatric treatment
  • Artificial intelligence for mental health care
  • Artificial intelligence in psychiatry – Pitfalls and challenges

18. Dissociative and somatization disorders
19. Early interventions in psychiatry

  • The evidence of early intervention services and flexible assertive community services – similarities and differences
  • What is the long term prognosis for first episode psychosis and what can we do to improve it?
  • Treatment of first episode psychosis in adolescence

20. Eating disorders
21. Ecology, psychiatry and mental health
22. Education in psychiatry

  • Models for reinforcement for psychiatric identity: to act as clinician and public mental health educators and leaders
  • Mental health in educational systems (preschools, schools, and universities)

23. Emergency psychiatry
24. Epidemiology in psychiatry
25. Ethical issues in psychiatry

  • The impact of the doctor-patient relationship on patient outcomes in mental health care

26. Evolutionary psychiatry

  • How nature nurtures: consequences for mental health

27. Implementation of healthy lifestyles (physical activity, diet and sleep)

  • Exercise & sports psychiatry

28. Family therapies
29. Forensic psychiatry

  • Advantages of compulsory care in different psychiatric diagnoses

30. Gender and mental health (Male mental health, Mental health of women and girls)

  • Gender perspective in mental health disorders
  • Rapid onset gender dysphoria
  • Model for empowerment of women to combat violence in close relationships and in their communities

31. Genetics and epigenetics in psychiatry

  • Clinical utility of pharmacogenetics in psychiatry

32. Harmful use of alcohol and drugs
33. History of psychiatry
34. Human rights and mental health

  • Examples of a human rights-based approach to mental health care
  • Racist violence and its consequences

35. Immunology in psychiatry
36. Intellectual disabilities
37. Medically unexplained symptoms
38. Mental health and public health

  • Implementation barriers of evidence-based interventions for people with mental illness
  • Closing treatment gaps in psychiatry
  • Determinance of psychiatric disorders
  • Climate change and mental health challenges
  • Management of mental health geographical regions experiencing migrant crises, war, and natural disasters
  • Psychiatry in a globalised world – modern challenges and novel approaches
  • Caring for family carers – an assessment of high risk for mental illness
  • Homelessness, mental health problems, and models for care
  • From public health to individual management
  • Implementation of preventive methods in psychiatry
  • Prevention of psychiatric disorders across the life cycle
  • Loneliness and mental health problems on differnet continents, in differnent genders, and in differnet phases of the life course
  • Social determinants of health and mental health in 21st century

39. Mental health economics
40. Mental health users and care givers
41. Migration & mental health

  • Workforce migration and brain drain
  • Refugees & mental health
  • Mental health of forcibly displaced people worldwide

42. Military psychiatry
43. Minor cognitive deficit
44. Mood disorders, depressive disorders and other depression and anxiety
45. Neurological-psychiatric syndromes
46. Neuromodulation (including DBS, TMS; tDCS, VNS; Neurofeedback)

  • Noninvasive neuromodulation treatments in psychiatry
  • Deep brain stimulation in psychiatry: current evidence and future perspectives
  • Non-invasive brainstimulation in mental disorders: what works and what does not?

47. Neuroscience and psychiatry, Neuro-imaging

  • BRAIN 2.0: Transforming neuroscience

48. Obsessive-compulsive disorders
49. Old age psychiatry
50. Other themes on disorders
51. Other themes on treatments in psychiatry
52. Perinatal disorders
53. Personality disorders
54. Philosophy and humanities in psychiatry

  • What is the role of philosophy in psychiatry?

55. Psychiatric institutions
56. Psychiatric nursing
57. Psychiatry in developing countries
58. Psycho-oncology
59. Psychopathology and epistemological issues in psychiatry
60. Psychopharmacology

  • Pharmacological treatments: Schizophrenia, Depression, Abuse, Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD
  • Long-term use of benzodiazepine in psychiatry: evil or demonized?
  • Monotherapy vs polypharmacy in psychopharmacology
  • Placebo vs. Nocebo Effect
  • Supported reduction or discontinuation of psychopharmacological treatment: necessary skills and guidelines
  • Psychedelic drugs in psychiatry: Existing evidence in the field and future directions
  • Psychedelics in the treatment of mental health disorders

61. Psychotherapies

  • Psychological treatments
  • Supported reduction or discontinuation of psychological treatment: necessary skills and guidelines

62. Rehabilitation of people with mental disorders

  • Peer involvement in psychiatric treatment

63. Religion, spirituality and psychiatry
64. Schizophrenia and psychotic spectrum disorders
65. Sleep wakefulness disorders
66. Somatic treatments other than pharmacotherapy
67. Stigma and mental illness
68. Suicidology

  • Suicide prevention: public health and clinical strategies

69. Urban mental health

  • Urbanisation and mental health

70. War & mental health

  • Mental health of forcibly displaced people worldwide

71. Other
72. Literature and mental health
73. Transcultural psychiatry