Industry supported session

Industry supported session

11 March 2021, 12:45 – 14:15

Hall Silk 1-2
Road to recovery for depressed patients. From treatment initiation to continuity
Symposium supported by Servier


Major depressive disorder is the largest contributor to global disability. Few patients received adequate treatment and treatment adherence is a concern. In everyday practice the efficacy of a therapy is weakened due to the low patient’s adherence. Patient’s expectations, fears and poor tolerability may contribute to premature treatment discontinuation.

An early tailored treatment approach for a personalized medicine is the most promising to get a goal alignment between the patient and the therapist.

The shared decision-making process could help to engage the patient in his/her treatment management from initiation to continuity. Improvement of anxiety symptoms, restoration of positive affect, self-confidence and level of functioning are predictive of a good outcome. Improvement in anxiety associated symptom and in social functioning in the early phase of treatment is likely to be an important first step for patients to get well and stay well and improve their quality of life.

The choice of the most appropriate therapy among those available considering the patients’ preferences contributes to reach a goal alignment for a successful disease management and bring the depressed patient to the road to recovery.

Introduction : R. Kongsakon (7 min)

Talk 1: What is the most important to ensure treatment initiation? S. Kasper (20 min)

The first presentation will address the way to engage the patient in a treatment goal.

The patients’ perspectives including needs, fears and expectations will be discussed.

Get a goal alignment and ensure that the patient start and continue the treatment can be facilitated by the shared decision making.

Talk 2: What are the therapeutic solutions to engage the patient in treatment continuity? – D.J. Stein (20 min)

The place of agomelatine among the different therapies available in the 21st century will be highlighted.

Beyond the antidepressant efficacy, the different benefits of the therapeutic options on the different symptoms such as anxiety, lack of interest and pleasure, functional impairment will be covered. The additional attributes that may help to keep the patient on board for a treatment continuity will be discussed

Talk 3: Beyond the response aiming for quality remission. S.H. Kennedy (20 min)

This presentation will cover the various dimensions to consider all along the treatment of depressed patients to reach quality of remission for a better quality of life and the functional recovery.

The scales that could be useful to assess the evolution of the patient on the road to recovery for a treatment success will be discussed. The features that may help the patient to stay well over time will be considered.

Question & Answers: 16 min


CONCLUSION: S.H.  Kennedy (7 min)